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​​​​​​​Shaanxi Green Enjoyment New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.

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 Green Enjoyment Electric vehicles precautions for daily use:

A. Battery maintenance The daily maintenance work of the battery includes charging, adding battery water, cleaning, detecting the specific gravity of battery water, etc.

(1) The main power switch must be disconnected before charging, and the charging place should be kept ventilated and breathable, because a large amount of flammable gas will be emitted during the battery charging process.

(2) Keep the height of the battery water surface should be higher than the height of the battery plate surface (10-15mm), if lower than the plate surface height, you can add special battery water before charging to immerse the liquid level through the plate, you can use a hydrometer to measure the electrolyte density distribution, the electrolyte density is 1.28g/cm2 when fully charged, if the density is lower than 1.15g/cm2 after discharging, then there is a problem with this battery, and you should consider repairing or replacing a new battery.

(3) Regularly check whether the battery wire and terminal are loose, and whether the wiring rod is corrosive and rusty. You can use an iron brush to clean the surface corrosion and rust, and after cleaning, rinse the surface dust with clean water.

(4) If the vehicle is not used for a long time, it should be charged at least once a month, and it is best to charge it once a month

B. Cleaning of the vehicle

(1) In the process of cleaning the car, pay attention to first disconnect the main power switch, it is recommended not to use high-pressure water gun injection.

(2) When cleaning the car, do not spray the nozzle directly to the instrument box, charging socket, electronic control cover plate and other electronic components.

(3) It is recommended not to use any volatile, corrosive and other strong solvents to scrub the vehicle to prevent the roof or front and rear hood from peeling paint or leg color.

(4) After the vehicle is cleaned, it should be stored in a ventilated place, and it is recommended not to put it directly into the warehouse.

C. Normal maintenance of tires

(1) Check the tread and surface damage on the surface of the tire, if you find that the tread on the surface of the tire is worn and smooth, please replace the tire in time.

(2) Tire pressure inspection: use the air pressure gauge to check the air pressure of the vehicle regularly, the normal vehicle air pressure should reach 22PSL or 34PSL (marked on the tire).

Tire pressure tires are easy to wear, higher than tire pressure puncture (especially in summer with cars, should pay attention to tire inflation should not be higher than the normal pressure of the vehicle), if the tire is found to be leaking, should be repaired or replaced in time.

D. Electric vehicle charging

(1) The method of charging is also very important, when charging, be sure to check whether the charging power supply is normal, whether the charging plug is plugged into place, and carefully read the charger manual.

(2) The charger cannot be placed arbitrarily during use to avoid water ingress of the charger.

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